Read: Jeremiah 22:1-5, Micah 6:6-8
Most of us want to make a difference in the world and do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly as the prophet Micah encourages us to do in the Old Testament. The prophet Jeremiah encourages many of those same things in his book. The life of Jesus in the New Testament builds on those things and shows us what it looks like in action. But in a world with so much anger and violence, so many needs, and so much injustice we sometimes ask ourselves, “What can I do that will really make a difference?” The world seems so big and our contributions sometimes feel so insignificant. What am I to do with that?
As I was asking myself these questions recently I heard a song from the Irish band U2 and one line really jumped out at me. It was a song from one of their first albums and the song was titled “Gloria.” The line said, “I can’t change the world, but I can change the world in me.” In other words, you maybe can’t solve all of the poverty, racism, violence, and hatred in the world, you maybe can’t share the love and grace of Jesus with the whole world, but you can do all of those things in yourself and in your corner of the world. That is what God is calling us to.
Your corner of the world starts with your own life, faith, outlook, actions, and attitude. It then extends to your home, your neighborhood, your friends, and your workplace or school. If we can make a difference in those areas God will use that example and multiply it to others. It has to start somewhere so let it start with us. One last reminder, we can’t do these things in our own strength. We need Jesus to help us do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly. If we look to Jesus he will help us make a difference in our corner of the world.
Make It Personal: God has a purpose for your life and the Lord will reveal those purposes when you seek after Him and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We do know that we all share the same purpose of living out his Word in our daily lives. That is where it begins. May it begin with us and may the Lord allow it to spread throughout the world.
Have a wonderful week, Glen Rhodes