What to Expect
Every Sunday we have Christian Education classes for all ages that begin at 9:30. Our Songs of Praise and Worship singing starts at 10:25 as people are being seated in the sanctuary. The worship celebration begins at 10:30 and lasts until approximately 11:30.
Common Questions
Is anyone allowed to come to your church?
How will people be dressed?
What type of music is included in your services?
Is your church wheelchair accessible?
Do you have a nursery?
Do you have Sunday school for children?
Who are the Mennonites and what do you believe?
We encourage you to visit the Who are the Mennonites page for an overview of Mennonites as well as the AMC Vision and Core Values pages for more in depth information.
A Typical Sunday Morning at AMC
**We offer Third Sunday Breakfast from 8:45-9:15am in our fellowship hall the third Sunday of the month (April-November).
Breakfast is provided so plan to come and enjoy this time before Christian Ed classes begin.
9:00 a.m. – Mingle with greeters and enjoy a fresh cup of coffee from the Kitchen
9:30 a.m. – Sunday school begins, also known as “Christian Ed”
Adult classes available:
Primary classes
Combined Junior High & High School Youth
*If you find yourself late for Christian Ed (or early for worship), you are welcome to hang out in the foyer, have some coffee and socialize.
10:00 a.m. – People will be getting out of classes in about 15 minutes.
10:15 a.m. – Move toward sanctuary
*Bulletins are also available digitally which can be downloaded using a QR Code.
10:25 a.m. – Songs of Praise and Worship begins
You will hear singing as you enter the sanctuary, but that does not mean you are late. We open each Sunday morning service with our time of singing together. Feel free to join in when you find your
spot and follow the words on the screen and/or in our hymnals.
10:30 a.m. – Beginning of Service
Announcements will start, formally beginning the service, but you are still not late!
There is a nursery available for children 5 years and younger in the East basement.
10:40 a.m. – Worship time (refer to the bulletin for service details)
11:00 a.m. – Sermon begins
11:30 a.m. – Sermon ends
**We enjoy a First Sunday Fellowship Meal after our worship celebration is finished. You are always welcome to join us for this carry-in meal,
even if you didn’t bring a dish to share. There is always plenty for everyone. Plan to join us the first Sunday of every month!
We hope you will join us soon! If you have,
we hope you enjoyed your visit to Arthur Mennonite Church!
We are always glad to see new faces!