The Harvest Wave

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

        It’s harvest time in Central Illinois.  I was able to help with the fall harvest one day this past week.  My job was to drive the grain truck and haul corn to the elevator.  I get to help with this a few times each season, and every year there is something that always blesses me:  The simple wave from the people in other grain trucks, combines, and tractors as you pass them on the road.
Why does this happen?  I believe there are three reasons.  First, it’s the common purpose each worker feels for those who have a part in bringing in the harvest.  Second, it’s a friendly way to go about your day that is mostly spent in the seat of a truck, combine, or tractor.  And third, it just makes you feel better to be friendly and supportive.
If only we could take that harvest wave and make it a part of the rest of our lives.  Actually, we can.  The Bible is full of words that bring encouragement, hope, and purpose to life.  It is also full of verses that encourage us to be about those things.  Like the verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 that says, “Encourage one another and build each other up…”
In a time in where social media is often used to tear people down and present a fist and insult instead of a wave or handshake, we can be the difference makers.  Let’s take the advice of Paul and choose to encourage one another and build each other up.  Hopefully I don’t have to wait until next Fall’s harvest to be reminded of this.
Make it Personal:  How often do you start your day off with the intention of being friendly, supportive, and upbeat?  If we start with that kind of attitude and ask Jesus to help us stay there we can be a blessing to those we meet each day.  We will feel better as well.  Let’s give it a shot!
Have a great week, Pastor Glen Rhodes
