Stories of the Bible

Read: Deuteronomy 4:9-14

The past 6 months I have had the privilege and opportunity to teach a third and fourth grade class in our church primary department.  I love the way the children ask questions about the various Bible Stories we talk about.  Sometimes they are questions that I had not even thought about myself.  At the end of each class we spend some time doing Bible trivia and I’m confident this has helped them learn the many wonderful stories of the Bible and remember them for the future.

In Deuteronomy 4 the Lord leads Moses to encourage parents and the church to be sure to pass these many stories of God’s work and God’s truth in our world on to our children and grandchildren. In chapter 6 it says, “Take to heart these words that I give you today.  Repeat them to your children.  Talk about them when you’re at home or away, when you lie down or get up.”  Parent’s and Church how are we doing with this?

In a culture where Biblical literacy is falling fast we need to be extra vigilant at making sure we are reading, sharing, and talking about the stories of the Bible and the truth they hold for us.  There are many ways to do this but we must be sure that it’s being done.  Our culture is sending many mixed messages to our children these days and if parents and the church are not ready and willing to teach and talk about these things with their kids then they could be led astray.  Our church vision says that “we will guide our children to learn God’s Word and know Jesus personally.”  Parent’s and Church how are we doing with this?

Make It Personal:  When children are young they love to have Bible stories read to them.  Be sure you are doing that if you have very young ones at home.  As they grow older you will need to find other creative ways through media, video, and events to keep these stories alive for them.  The most important thing parents and grandparents can do is talk to them about these things and bring them to church.  Let them hear and see from you and the church how God works, what God does, and how Jesus is our Savior.

My prayers will be with you,  Glen Rhodes
