This Week’s Meditation: “Still.”
Read: Luke 10: 38-42; Galatians 1:6-10; Psalm 46:10
Welcome August! As the hustle and bustle of summer starts to ebb, the hustle and bustle of fall is getting ready to flow. Are you prepared for it? Are you ready to serve like Martha? Ready to Grow like Mary?
SWAP has always encouraged a Mary attitude in me. I’m always reminded of my Martha-ness when I go there. It’s just a reminder how we need to both Mary & Martha qualities in us at times. On the Friday morning of our recent trip there, I looked back to my first trip there in 2010 with my MYF (Mennonite Youth Fellowship). Back then, it didn’t seem as cross-cultural of an experience for me because that was back when I would babysit all day everyday which most days, didn’t seem like work at all to me. Now, my outlook has changed a bit. I’m running from job 1 to job 2 and then sleep a little bit and wake up to work on job 3 before job 1 again. I catch myself in this never-ending cycle.
No matter what our responsibilities are, our culture whispers to us to keep going: just finish that one project, or that one email, or that one more ____ (fill in the blank).
Jeff pointed out in the scripture last Sunday that just when the people were going to make Jesus their earthly King, he withdrew to the mountain to find quiet, despite what others thought of him. I mean he’s Jesus, right? If he’s God, he shouldn’t get tired! And back at creation, when God created the heavens, the earth, the winged things, scaly things and big-pawed things, and human beings…on the seventh day, He took a break. As disciples of Christ, let’s follow His leading, because He is the Way, The Truth, and The Life. So, he’s probably doing what is best.
In our Vision scripture, Mary sat at Jesus’ feet despite what others thought of her. As a woman in the Jewish tradition, she was supposed to hang out in the background or in the kitchen. She wasn’t supposed to sit out with the guys and listen to the Rabbi. Yet, she chose to prioritize Jesus over social convention and others’ opinions. Mary was so unreserved in her love for Jesus; she worshiped Him, but not a casual, what’s-next-on-the-agenda worship. But an extravagant worship where she didn’t count the cost. Instead of looking at the people (even at her sister) around her, she gazed at Jesus. In Galatians 1:10, Paul asks, “Am I trying to win the approval of human beings or of God?…If I were trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
Mary allowed Jesus to fill her vision and eclipse everything else around her. Her whole posture was one of humility. Her body language reads: “I need Thee, oh I need Thee” rather than “I got this.” She was embodying Psalm 46:10 – “Be still and know that I am God.” The Hebrew of “be still” translates to let go of your grip, to make oneself weak. What a freeing idea! In our complete dependence on a God who won’t ever fail us, we find freedom!
So today, I challenge you to stop. Stop hustling through your to-do list, stop freaking out that the start of August means schools almost here and you’ll have to start packing lunches or bookbags, or that with the hint of fall in the air means that the harvest hustle will begin soon. Stop. Just for a Moment. Be.
Bonus Challenge: Do this reflection exercise with me.
(Close Your eyes and quiet your soul for 20 seconds.)
(silence for 10 seconds)
Be still.
(silence for 10 seconds)
Be still and.
(silence for 10 seconds)
Be still and know.
(silence for 10 seconds)
Be still and know that.
(silence for 10 seconds)
Be still and know that I.
(silence for 10 seconds)
Be still and know that I am.
(silence for 10 seconds)
Be still and know that I am God.
(silence for 10 seconds)
Be still and know that I am.
(silence for 10 seconds)
Be still and know that I.
(silence for 10 seconds)
Be still and know that.
(silence for 10 seconds)
Be still and know.
(silence for 10 seconds)
Be still and.
(silence for 10 seconds)
Be still.
(silence for 10 seconds)
(silence for 20 seconds)
Have a blessed week, Pastor Ashley Litwiller
Arthur Mennonite Church