Read: Colossians 1:15-23
The title for my reflection this week was taken from an article in Time magazine written by Marc Benioff. Marc was writing about Colin Powell who recently passed away. The impact that Mr. Powell left on many people was profound and encouraging on many different fronts. He was a Christian and often empowered people to live for God and serve others instead of self. He encouraged business leaders to put purpose and people ahead of success and profit.
At a business summit in Philadelphia some years back Colin Powell said, “This is a time for each every one of us to look into our own heart, to look into our own community, find someone who is in need, find someone who is wanting, find someone who is looking up to us, and for each and every one of us to reach down, to reach back, to reach across, to lift up a fellow American and put him on the road to success in this wonderful country of ours.” Benioff also mentioned that at that summit Powell told the people that business could do more than simply make money. That they could be a force for good and a platform for change.
As Christians and as followers of Jesus we are encouraged to fulfill our purpose in life as believers. In Colossians 1 Paul is proclaiming the supremacy of Christ and is imploring us to give and serve with that purpose in mind instead of our own personal needs or gain. Our purpose in life is not self-focused but is to be God-focused. This in turn means that we are also focused on others and how we can make a difference in this world for Christ. In verse 18 Paul writes, “He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have the supremacy.”
Make It Personal: Colin Powell and many others are great examples of what it means to have a servants heart. A servants heart is where we find purpose in this life. Purpose will always make you feel better in life than any profit or material things you can gain in this world. Let’s go out into the world and fulfill the purpose that God has placed on our lives.
Have a blessed week, Glen Rhodes