Read: 1 Samuel 17:33-54
What battles have you been facing lately? Do some of your troubles look like giants standing in front of you that seem impossible to overcome? So often we look at our troubles or problems and can’t see how we ourselves can solve them. The truth is we often don’t have the power to overcome difficulties on our own.
This story of David and Goliath is a wonderful reminder that we need to face our own “giants” in the name of the Lord. It also reminds us that God gives us the gifts and talents to help us overcome the difficulties we face. David began by putting on Saul’s armor, helmet and sword to face Goliath but soon realized that this wasn’t what he was accustomed to. At that point in his life, he was more talented with a sling and stone rather than a sword and armor. So, he faced this giant with the gifts God had given him. David also new that he needed more than just his talents, he needed the power of the Lord as well. David says in verse 45, “You come against me with sword and spear, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty”. He called upon the name of the Lord for his success.
Make It Personal
How are you facing your Giants? The next time you see one, start by coming against it in the name of the Lord. Ask God to reveal the gifts he has given you to get you through the battle. Remember, there is power in His name.
~written by Lamar Miller