Read: Luke 10:25-37
The parable of Jesus often referred to as “The Good Samaritan” has become a favorite of many for obvious reasons. In Luke 10 when Jesus answers the question “Who is my neighbor?” he tells the story of a man who stopped to help someone in need. After a Priest and a Jew walked by on the other side and offered no help, here comes a Samaritan man who helps the needy man and even pays for his ongoing care. The point Jesus was making with this parable is that those who show mercy to others, despite inconvenience, cultural perceptions, and political disagreements are those who truly love their neighbors.
This is a parable we need to be reminded of today in the divisive world we live in. This Samaritan man looked past the differences and saw someone in need. He didn’t ask about his religion, political party, race, or family background. He saw him hurting and in need, he took pity on him, and helped. He bandaged his wounds and took him to a place that he could be cared for. When he left he paid two days wages for his ongoing care.
Jen Wilson from Compassion International says, “Our neighbor isn’t just the person next door. Our neighbor is the person God has placed in front of us. And no matter how different, how inconvenient or how unexpected, we’re asked to love our neighbor well.” In parables like this we realize that Jesus lived and taught a counter-culture type of life when he walked this earth. He is asking us as his followers to do the same.
This counter-culture life means we remember what the Bible says. Love is patient, love is kind, it is not proud, it does not dishonor others, it keeps no record of wrongs, and it always protects. Perhaps Janie B. Cheaney said said it best when she said, “God put it this way: “Love your neighbor” – not your cause, your pet peeve, or your tribe. This is where we can all do better, and we must.” Amen! Let’s be watchful for those in need as we walk the road of life.
Make it Personal: Who is God placing in front of you right now that is in need of help? Can you look past all of the things that might keep you from helping that person and be a good Samaritan to them? Let’s love all of our neighbors!
Have a blessed week, Glen Rhodes