Read: 1 John 2:3-11
One of my favorite Christian books is “Just Like Jesus” written by Max Lucado. The subtitle to the book hits right at home with all us, it says, “God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus.”
The inside of the book cover continues on with some more great truth when it says, “Isn’t that good news? You aren’t stuck with today’s personality. You aren’t condemned to grumpy-dom. You are changeable. You are tweakable. Even if you’ve worried each day of your life, you needn’t worry the rest of your life. So what if you were born with a sour outlook, you don’t have to die with one. God will change you. And he will change you to be just like Jesus. Can you think of any better offer?”
Pastor Tony Evans tells about a picture that he has in his home by the front door. It is a frame with two slots in it. On one side of the frame is a picture of Tony when he was 18 years old, on the other side is a picture of his son when he was 18 years old. He talks about how they look like twins in those pictures even though they are quite different in age.
The illustration is this. As Christians we should like look Christ. A connection has been made because of his sacrifice on Calvary and the essence of Jesus being transferred to those who are believers and his followers. When people interact with us and see us in daily life they should marvel at the resemblance.
This is a tall order in light of Christ living a perfect life and our sinful lives that need his redemption, but the process of becoming Christ-like is a life long endeavor. It must be our goal, our purpose, and our desire as we allow God to change us, mold us, and shape us into the people he has called us to be in this world.
As the Bible says in 1 John 2:5-6, “But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.”
Make it Personal: Here is a final word from my favorite book mentioned above. “Where did we get this idea that we can’t change? From whence come statements such as, ‘It’s just my nature to worry.’ ‘I’ll always be pessimistic, I’m just that way.’ ‘I can’t help the way I react. I have a bad temper.” Such thoughts are not from God. God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you there.”