Joy In The House

Read: Psalm 84

The #1 song on Christian Radio this week is Phil Wickham’s new song “House of the Lord.”  If you have not heard this song you need to check it out.  Warning: You won’t be able to sit still.  The song is a celebration of the joy that Jesus can bring into your life, into your house, and into your day.  Much of the song reminds us of Psalm 84 that says, “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.”

In a world and time that seems to bring us down we need to find ways to celebrate the joy of the Lord.  We need to find ways to project joy in our homes and be reminded of who we are in Jesus Christ our Savior.  The news may be bleak, the day may be hard, your situation may be difficult, but the joy you have in Jesus can help you to focus on the hope you have in Him.

One part of Phil Wickham’s song is especially encouraging.  He sings, “We were the beggars, now we’re royalty.  We were the prisoners, now we’re running free.  We are forgiven, accepted, redeemed by His grace, let the house of the Lord sing praise!”  The song goes on to say, “There’s joy in the house of the Lord, God is surely in this place, and we won’t be quiet, we shout out Your praise!”  Amen to that.  May there by joy in your house today and everyday because of all that Jesus has done for you.

Make It Personal:  Scripture often refers to us as the temple of the Lord.  If you are a temple of God then His joy and His blessings should be residing in your heart and coming out of your mouth.  Nothing in this world can take this joy away from you, remember that.

Have a blessed week,  Glen Rhodes  
