I Can’t Help It!

Read: Mark 10:46

I love it when something negative can be turned into something positive.  I thought about that this week when I heard someone use the phrase “I can’t help it!”  Most of the time that phrase is used when someone is speaking of a habit or a negative thing that they can stop doing.  But what if we used it when we think of positive things like….

  • I can’t help it, I just like living with an attitude of prayer all the time.
  • I can’t help it, I love praising God for his creation and goodness.
  • I can’t help it, I just naturally look for the good in other people.
  • I can’t help it, I just can’t turn down an opportunity to help someone.
  • I can’t help it, I will always put God first in my life over everything else.
  • I can’t help it, I just love to tell others about the salvation found in Jesus Christ.

I think you get the idea.  If you could add a couple more to this list what would you say?  There is so much negative that we are exposed to each day that it often tempts us to think in those same negative ways.  What if we turned the tables?  How about we start thinking about the good things, the blessings, and the goodness of God.

In Mark 10 we read the story of Bartimaeus the blind beggar from Jericho.  When he heard that Jesus was near by he began to shout and ask Jesus to have mercy on him.  Others told him to be quiet but he couldn’t help but continue to call out to one who could have mercy on him. Jesus heard his cry for help and healed him right there on the spot.  After that the formerly blind beggar that could now see started to follow Jesus.  Why?  He couldn’t help but do anything else.  

Make It Personal:  When was the last time you used the phrase “I can’t help it?”  In what manner did you use it?  Think about how that phrase and perhaps others that could be turned around and used in a positive way in the future.  Where this is darkness, spread light!

Have a wonderful week,  Glen Rhodes  
