Read: 1 Corinthians 10:23-33
In our consumeristic and confused world it is sometimes difficult to keep the true meaning of Christmas alive in our hearts. But for Christians this is vital! We can continuously try to point out to the world that if Jesus Christ were not born in Bethlehem there would be no December 25th celebrations. But more importantly we should be sure to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas in our families and in our own hearts.
Christmas is not about us. Christmas is not about the economy. Christmas is not about who has the best decor. Christmas is not about ________ (you add your own here). Christmas is about God coming to earth to save the world through his son Jesus Christ and showing us how to live for God’s glory instead of our own. In 1 Corinthians 10:31 Paul reminds us that we are to do all that we do in this life for the glory of God.
We can’t expect the entire world to celebrate the heart of Christmas in the same way as those who believe in God and follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. But we can pray that somehow the true heart of Christmas might help them to understand what God has done for them. The greatest gift the world has ever received came at Christmas. Now if only the world would receive that gift and make Jesus their Lord and Savior.
Make It Personal: We cannot change minds and hearts, only Jesus can do that. But we can highlight God’s glory during this month of December in all that we say and do concerning the Christmas season. May our lives and our testimony of Christmas be focused on Jesus this year and every year!
Have a wonderful December, Glen Rhodes