
Read:  Hebrews 10:22-25

We have been hearing a lot about essentials lately.  Essential jobs, essential workers, essential activities, essential needs, and the basic essentials that people need to survive.  I suppose toilet paper could be included in that. These conversations during this time of unprecedented measures causes us to think deeper about what the essentials of life and society truly are.  It has caused us to be extra thankful for all those who are so needed and vital to keep the life, health, and well-being of others supported during these days of extraordinary challenge.

It has also caused me to think about other essentials as well.  Hebrews 10 includes some very essential things for us to focus on during times of trial, questions, and difficulty.  It says we need to draw near to God. It says we need place full assurance in our faith in God. It says we need to hold unswervingly to the hope we profess.  It says we need to spur one another on toward love and good deeds. It says that we are to encourage one another. It even says that we are not to give up meeting together (except maybe when there is a global pandemic going on).

I guess these conversations about essentials has made me realize who and what is essential in my life.  I hope it has done the same for you. As we think about what the essential things of life here on earth are I hope we will also think about the essentials of our faith, salvation, and hope in Jesus Christ.  Those are truly the most essential when we think about the promise of eternal life in heaven for those who believe and follow Jesus as the Lord of their life. Yes, we need to be very thankful for all the essentials of life, but we need to be extra thankful for the essentials of heaven.   It is those things that we will have for all of eternity. 

Make it Personal:  Take some time to name all of the essentials of this earthly life you can think of.  Then take some time to name all the essentials of your faith in God and your hope in Jesus Christ.  Let’s not forget during this time of trial what the most important things in life truly are.

Have a blessed and safe week,  Pastor Glen Rhodes
