Enjoy Your Calling

Read: Ecclesiastes 3:9-13
Several weeks ago when the trash was being picked up here at our church the person on the back of the trash hauler was wearing a large head piece of a panda suit.  Whoever was under that panda head was taking a very monotonous, dirty job, and making it into something fun and entertaining for those who saw them driving around town that day.  It’s a reminder that we too are called to enjoy our calling, our job, our life, and try to make the best of whatever our day-to-day tasks are.
The book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible was written by Solomon as a way to instruct future generations on how to live life, view life, and learn from past mistakes.  Solomon reflects on his life and realizes that life is really meaningless when lived apart from God and his will and purpose for it. In essence he is saying, “If you want to find meaning in life then make God the center of all things in your life.”
Former college and NFL quarterback Tim Tebow, who is an outspoken and committed Christian, once said, “I really try to enjoy life and have joy with what I do.”  His joy comes from enjoying the calling that God has placed on his life and how the Lord uses him to proclaim the message of Jesus. The same can be true of us. If our faith is the focus, we will find it much easier to enjoy life and the call.
My hope is that whatever you and I are called to do we can find the fulfillment in it that God desires for us to have.  If you are home raising children, making garage doors or cabinets, farming the land, teaching children, running a company, collecting trash, or whatever you do, I pray that you will find enjoyment in that work, and that you will look to God for contentment, joy, happiness, and fulfillment in your various callings in life.
Make it Personal:  Do you have more bad days than good days when it comes to your job or work?  Think about the panda trash collector if you need to spice up your work day and make it fun and fulfilling.  Also remember what Solomon said, “ I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil, this is the gift of God.” (Ecclesiastes 3:12-13)
Have a joy-filled work week everyone, Pastor Glen Rhodes
