Read: Isaiah 43:16-21
God promises us new life instead of the old. God promises us to forget the former things and look towards the new things that the Lord is doing. The news, social media, and other reports may be biased much of the time, but the promises of the Bible and the words of the Lord speak truth into our lives.
Recently on the radio I heard a song from the 1980’s by Bruce Hornsby and the Range titled “The Way It Is.” The chorus of that song begins by saying, “That’s just the way it is, some things will never change.” But then comes the important part. It says, “Ah, but don’t you believe them.” One of the verses of that song is very fitting for our current discussions on racism, it says, “Hey little boy you can’t go where the others go, ‘cause you don’t look like they do… Some things will never change, ah, but don’t you believe them.”
Way too often in our world people are treated in ways that they should not be treated. Way too often in our world people are told hateful things that do not line up with what God says about them. Way too often in our world people choose violence instead of peace and reconciliation. Some might say this is the way it is and that is the way it will always be, but we don’t have to believe them.
We can believe instead in what Isaiah 43 proclaims, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!” God wants to do a new thing in us, in our country, and in our world, let’s believe in his promises and follow his lead. Love one another, build each other up, support each other, and don’t believe anyone who says this is not possible!
Make it Personal: What lies or false reports have you believed about yourself? Don’t you believe them! God loves you, God has a plan for you, and God will begin something new in your life. When we receive His Son Jesus into our life the new comes and the old passes away (2 Corinthians 5:16-19) . Now would be a perfect time to give your life to Jesus if you have not.
Have a great week, Glen Rhodes