Read Mark 4:35-41
On a recent trip to Mexico I was on a boat enjoying the sunshine and relaxation. When the boat stopped in a cove and the captain announced it was time for a snorkeling adventure I was not excited. I stayed on the boat and watched my sister jump into the water. She came back so excited and said, “You have to do this – you will not believe the beauty!” After much persuasion I reluctantly jumped in. The water was cold and dark and the mask was tight. I was not enjoying this. Once I relaxed the scenery below came into focus. There was a world of beauty hidden below. I saw small colorful fish, some sardines, a sea turtle and beautiful rock formations. The only way to experience this was to face my fears and jump in.
God commands us many times in the Word, “DO NOT FEAR”. In the middle of a storm Jesus asks His disciples in Mark 4:40, “Why are you so afraid?” In our world today it is easy to have fear filled thoughts. We can worry about our health, accidents or shootings, storms and loss of loved ones. That is why Jesus tells us to cast all our cares on Him, with the assurance that He cares for us.
When we can let go of our worries and fears God can open our eyes to beauty all around us. That beauty is not visible when we are rushing about. How often do we hurry about our daily activities and just skim along the surface of life? We need to stop and appreciate all the blessings and beauty in our lives. The goodness and gifts of God are all around us when we slow down and take time to notice.
Make It Personal
Let’s invite Jesus to take over our worries and fears and then open our eyes to the blessings all around that we so often take for granted. Appreciate the beauty, slow down and give thanks.
Let’s invite Jesus to take over our worries and fears and then open our eyes to the blessings all around that we so often take for granted. Appreciate the beauty, slow down and give thanks.
~ written by Gloria Yoder