Read: Matthew 7:7-11; Proverbs 14:29
Are you a patient person? Most people would probably answer “no” to that question, but I have known and do know some very patient people in my life. Whether you consider yourself a patient person or not God has promised to give us this gift of patience if we ask for it. In his short book “Patience, A Hidden Treasure” Calvin L. Emerson writes this about this gift from the Lord….
“Patience is one of His precious gifts and it has great value. It is a gift that helps us endure trials without questioning whether God really loves us or not. It is a gift that keeps us from being irate because we don’t get what we perceive will make our lives easier. It is a gift that helps us work through the hurdles of life without giving up or becoming depressed. The gift of patience will bring us great peace.”
He goes on to write… “Patience is a precious, life-giving gift from God. When we are able to walk in patience our lives will automatically become sweeter. We will experience more joy and laughter. We will experience far less stress and anger when we receive the gift of patience.” Proverbs 14:29 says, “Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.”
In Matthew 7:7-11 Jesus says that our Father in heaven will give good gifts to those who ask Him. Patience is one of those gifts. We need to ask for it, especially at times in our life when it is needed most. Jesus says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find…” Patience is just one of the many gifts that Jesus wants to bless us with. Ask for it, seek after it, and find the peace that it can bring to your life.
Make it Personal: The next time you find yourself becoming impatient stop and remember this gift that God offers to you. You have help in these matters of life and it comes from your Father in heaven. Receive that gift and allow it to bring the calm, peace, and joy that Jesus wants you to have.
Have a great week, Glen Rhodes