Read: 2 Peter 3:8-18
Recently in World magazine a story was shared about a Louisiana man who was pulled over for having an expired license plate sticker. Most likely that happens to people quite often because they just forget to renew their sticker, but this story was a bit different than others. This man had an expired sticker from 1997. When the officer came up to the vehicle the man said, “Sorry officer. I’ve been busy lately and totally forgot to renew my vehicle registration. I will take care of it as soon as I get home.”
Some people are more prone to put things off than others but all of us have the tendency to think that we will just take care of that tomorrow. For some things in life that is no big deal but for others it is a huge deal. Repentance and salvation through Jesus, forgiveness of others, and eternal life in heaven are matters that need to be addressed now instead of later. These are not things to “put off” because they have implications for the rest of eternity.
In 2 Peter 3:10 the Bible says, “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.” In verse 14 it says, “make every effort to be found spotless, blameless, and at peace with him.” That doesn’t mean perfect, it just means saved and redeemed. It is reminding us that now is the time to make sure we are right with God, have received his Son Jesus into our life, and are living a life of peace, grace, and service in his name. These are things that should always be at the top of our list. Someone once said, “You cannot repent of your sins and receive Jesus into your life too soon because you do not know how soon will be too late.”
Make it Personal: Receiving Jesus into your heart and life and making him your Lord and Savior is not an everyday decision. That is a decision you make and it then remains. Living that decision out however is a daily discipline as well as a daily blessing. Every morning and every day is the time to consider your life, your example, and your calling as a follower of Jesus. Jesus needs to be the center. You don’t necessarily need to know where you are going each day provided you know who you are following. With that said, it would probably be a good idea to make sure you update your vehicle registration sticker each year as well.
Have a wonderful week, Glen Rhodes